Better Streets Squad Activity

By Alison Holland

Published: March 31, 2021

Better streets squad blog header.

2 minute read + activity

Take a look around you. How good is your street? What makes it a nice place to be – pleasant and safe?  What makes it not so great? How could it be improved?

This fun activity gets children thinking about where they live and how their street could be improved – and considers different age groups and their needs.

The final task involves them considering what action they can personally take. This could include: taking part in community litter picks, walking or cycling more for short journeys, writing to the council to ask for more trees in the street, writing an article for a community magazine to ask people to drive slower, designing and putting up ‘no dog poo’ posters, avoiding unnecessary car journeys, planting seed bombs in your front garden if you have one, taking part in community planting projects, walking to local shops to avoid need for deliveries etc.

Click here to download your pdf version of the worksheet: Better Streets Squad activity Sheet

Here is a jpeg version of the worksheet:

Better streets squad worksheet.