Brightwayz to Modeshift Business Conference

By Alison Holland

Published: April 15, 2024

Alison and Dez at Modeshift March 2024

Last month my colleague Dez and I merrily trotted off (actually took the train) to London for the annual Modeshift Travelwise Business Conference. As well as taking the opportunity to display our active travel workplace promotional product offerings, we were there to pick up some inspiring ideas and find out about the latest schemes and successes in the sector.

Modeshift 2024 Modeshift speaker Modeshift

Enabling businesses and others to promote sustainable and active modes of everyday travel for staff, customers and suppliers is a vital step towards organisations achieving net zero. Transport is the largest source of carbon emissions and we need a fundamental shift in our attitude to and culture around car dependency as well as realistic, practical alternatives. Workplaces - whether they are large corporates, universities, hospitals, charities, government offices or small businesses - all can play a part but usually need help to do so.

This is where ‘Team Modeshift’ steps in - the members of this professional body are all committed to promoting and enabling sustainable travel choices through the work they do and the experience they have gained on the way. Many are local authority ‘active travel’ officers or they may work in a related area such as air quality management, Public Health, road safety or have a role in sports and well-being. The wide range of disciplines that are represented here shows what a wide impact improving our everyday travel choices can have - cleaning our air, improving our physical fitness and reducing road casualties… as well as of course reducing our carbon impact. 

Brightwayz has been a partner of Modeshift for many years… almost decades… and it is always enjoyable to meet up with like-minded people who share the same professional and personal ambitions to improve the way we travel. 

The presentations were all engaging with each set of ideas feeling like another piece of a massive jigsaw puzzle we are all working on together. So many practical ideas of actions for workplaces were showcased - whether physical measures or well-branded campaigns or practical schemes such as providing e-bike loans. 


We also had the chance to meet many of our regular customers who use our wide range of active travel resources… and are always interested in ‘what’s new’. Our cycle repair kits, custom printed recycled cotton shopper bags and our Active Travel Incentives for Work pack grabbed a lot of attention from visitors to our stand.

What a great day! I’m sure it wasn’t just us who headed home with heads buzzing with new ideas of schemes and events to try out and new contacts to collaborate with. Thank you Modeshift!

2 ladies at modeshift conferance
Brightwayz Cycle Tool Kit Open Three Recycled Cotton Shopper Bags splayed out in orange, green and blue Active Travel to work pack.

Here at Brightwayz social enterprise we love to provide information and tips to help you, your colleagues, friends and family travel in safe, active, sustainable ways for everyday journeys.

Our unique range of products is here to help support your active travel campaigns and 100% of profits from sales is ploughed back to support the work we do. Take a look at our range here and find something to help you inspire others to travel in good ways.