Could The Future Be Pedal-Powered?
With the growing energy and fuel costs, there is good news for those interested in cycling and promoting active travel for everyday journeys.
Uptake In Cycling
Interim data from the Department of Transport suggests that cycling levels have increased 47% on weekdays in the 5 months to the end of July 2022. The data suggests the uptake in cycle journeys is down to the rise in fuel costs and on-going disruption to public transport.

Biking For Fun Not Just The Commute
There has also been a 27% increase at weekends, perhaps showing that people are willing to take to their bikes for more sociable journeys, not just their commute. This is an encouraging trend, as with more people leaving their cars at home and taking to pedal-power, there will be more momentum behind improving infrastructure for cycling, including storage and other facilities to support people in taking their bikes to work, school and the shops.
71% of all journeys made in the UK are under 5 miles, so the switch to cycling should make a huge difference to congestion, pollution and noise levels in built-up areas.
Add to this the health benefits of regular exercise and many will be counting the personal rewards as well as the cash saved by not having to fill up their cars. The government's aim, cited in their Gear Change vision for walking and cycling which is being enacted through Active Travel England, is for 50% of short journeys to be by cycle or on foot by 2030.
Transport is the largest source of carbon emissions in the UK and how we choose to travel is something almost all of us can influence in our own lives. What a great way to make a difference!

Here at Brightwayz social enterprise we love to provide information and tips to help you, your colleagues, friends and family travel in safe, active, sustainable ways for everyday journeys.
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