The cycle hub was based in free space provided by the Royal Hotel on Kettering Market Place. With the refurbishment of the hotel well under way we now provide free cycle checks, security marking and advice outside the Royal. We want to thank the owner of the Royal Hotel for allowing us the use of their space for so long.
The hub is opened from 10am till 4pm once a month - on the last Saturday of the month - and is manned by volunteers and managed by Brightwayz social enterprise. Winter hours are 11am to 3pm.
Services provided include free cycle checks with our mechanic, free cycle maps, free cycle security marking, advice and information on current active travel engagement, eg Kettering Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).
We also gratefully accept pre-loved bike (and bike bits) donations. These are then serviced and refurbished, if necessary before being used for our community projects for those in need.
The most important aspect of the hub is it attracts locals who want to talk about thier active travel needs - eg those with questions about cycling in the area, concerns about cycle security, or who need information about cycling training or want to know about social rides for mobility scooters and more.
If you are in the area, please pop in and see us. We are all volunteers with a passion for making active travel better in our local town for everyone.