North Northants
Active Travel Directory

North Northants Active Travel and Road Safety Resource Directory

Our Active Travel and Road Safety Educational Resource Directory has been developed for North Northamptonshire educators in schools and workplaces.

We know that you want your pupils or staff to be safe and have healthy lifestyles. By encouraging active travel – walking, cycling, scooting – and teaching how to be safe near traffic you are enabling this. However, in order to do this you need access to good, engaging resources and professionals who are able to help you.

This directory has been compiled for the North Northamptonshire area  as this is where we are based and where we do the majority of our project work – Kettering, Corby, Wellingborough, East Northants, surrounding towns and villages.


Kids on school trip.
Traffic signs.

Although the main focus is on resources for children, some resources are relevant for any age such as those in workplaces or community groups.

It features resources offered by not-for-profit organisations; public sector, social enterprises, charities and community organisations. Some are free of charge and some are subsidised or charged for. For charged resources we also provide information on funding sources available.

We are thinking broadly here – not just about cycling and walking but also including anything to make our streets safer, journeys more sustainable and reduce car trips for example with community mini bus hire, or more unusual modes of active travel such as skating.

In addition we have a section for nationally available resources and support for active travel and road safety so even if you aren’t from our local area this will help you.

This directory is compiled and maintained by us at Brightwayz social enterprise. Initial funding Is from the Northamptonshire Office the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s Road Safety Fund via the Brightwayz ST:EPS project for secondary schools in Kettering. Other funding for this product comes from ploughed back profits from sales of our range – promotional products with social impact.

Police award.
Police award 2.

We are sure there are more resources out there so we urge you to let us know of any you hear of so we can add to this directory.  Please send any feedback or updates to



Organisation: Northamptonshire Highways

What do they do?

They provide the highways services for Northamptonshire County Council and this includes statutory road safety education. (From 1 April 2021 West Northamptonshire hosts this service for the two new unitary authorities).

What is on offer?:

Age Range:  all ages

Cost:  some free, some chargeable


Contact for more information:


Brightwayz Logo Small

Organisation: Brightwayz social enterprise

What do they do?

This is us! We promote safe, active, sustainable everyday travel for all through products, projects and information (like this!).

What is on offer?:

Age Range:  all ages

Cost: Most are chargeable but funding sources suggested below.

Website: and

Contact for more information: and


Kettering Cycling Club – Cyclones logo.

Organisation: Kettering Cycling Club – Cyclones

What do they do?:

They support and coach young people to develop the cycling skills off road, to have fun and enjoy cycling

What is on offer?:

Free off road cycling coaching from qualified British Cycling coaches, ensuring young people learn the skills they need to ride safely and have fun! Coaching and training in safe off road settings.

Off road cycling skills development for young people aged 6 to 16. Fun training sessions led by qualified coaching staff ensure that all young people develop the skills, self confidence and ability to handle their bike safely. Young people are taught in small groups, progressing through our programmes to learn to enjoy off road cycling, many go on to compete in cyclocross, grasstrack, closed circuit and track events locally, regionally and nationally.

First and foremost it’s about loving cycling and riding for fun. We have a fleet of club bikes for loan and ten expert coaches delivering weekly training sessions. We meet every Monday night from 7pm to 8pm

Age Range:  6 – 16

Cost:  tba


Contact for more information:


Commminibus logo.

Organisation: CommMiniBus social enterprise

What do they do?

They provide public transport services for communities.

What is on offer?:

Age Range:  all

Cost:  some free and some for a charge


Contact for more information:


Adrenaline Alley Logo.

Organisation: Adrenaline Alley social enterprise

What do they do?

They provide a world-class facility that offers a safe and secure environment for taking part in urban sports. It is a dreamland for skateboard, scooter, BMX, MTB and inline skate enthusiasts.

What is on offer?:

Age Range:  all

Cost: Please visit their website for up-to-date prices for training and sessions.


Contact for more information: or call 01536 202049.


Northampton Advanced Motorists logo.

Organisation: Northampton Advanced Motorists

What do they do?:

They offer advanced driver training.

What is on offer?:

Age Range:  age 17+

Cost: Talks are free, training is chargeable.


Contact for more information:





Department for Transport’s road safety education resources (England).



Shares best practice in sustainable travel delivery

Living Streets

The UK charity for everyday walking


The charity making it easier for people to walk or cycle.

Cycling UK

Promotes all forms of cycling

Pride Out

Network of inclusive, friendly LGBTQ+ cycling groups. Based in the north west of England but expanding to cover a wider areas as demand requires.

United Nations

Organises Global Road Safety Week and the #SafeLivesSpeakUp initiative to enable people to campaign and speak up about road safety.


If you represent an international, UK-wide or North Northamptonshire not-for-profit organisation promoting road safety or active travel and would like  your organisation to be considered for listing here free of charge please email us with your details:  


Information given here is provided in good faith and intended as a guide only –  neither Brightkidz nor the organisations featured are liable for any inaccuracies. Please contact the organisations directly to confirm latest and up to date information. Please notify us of any errors.