The Year Ahead at Brightwayz

Happy New Year from all of us here at Brightwayz! We are all back in the office and already busy helping customers and sending out resources for 2024 active travel campaigns and events.
So what are your plans for the year ahead for sustainable and active travel initiatives for your school, workplace or local area?
Whether you are a council officer planning walking and cycling schemes for your area… or a teacher interested in some reflectors to brighten your pupils’ winter journeys home… or a pre-school leader looking for high vis waistcoats for group monitoring on trips out and about… or anyone else in need of fun, engaging, practical resources to support your campaigns… we are ready with friendly advice and a big range of products to help you.

Our Bikelife North Northants project is just one of our local projects already underway which will be completing soon. Providing free cycle confidence training for adults - including tips on how to maintain their bikes and helping ensure their bikes are in good condition alongside cycling skills training - enables participants to cycle for everyday journeys.

Cycle-Lingo is our new initiative to support non-English speakers to gain cycle skills and get equipped to ride for everyday journeys. The first version is for local Ukrainian speakers who will be joined by a translator to ensure they can understand the sessions with our mechanic and cycle trainer, and pick up a few useful phrases too. As a former English-as-a-foreign-language teacher I’m personally very interested to see how merging cycle skills and language learning will work out.

Get Down to Town Kettering is keeping us very busy too. It’s about enabling more people to travel to, from and around our town centre in more active and sustainable ways - walking, cycling, scooting, mobility scooting, bus or train. With a town centre scooter disco planned for the end of the month alongside more of our outreach activities with schools, we hope to involve as many local people as we can.

In the year ahead we hope to extend our work and involve more local schools. We’ve a new active travel hub on order too - a shipping container which will act as storage for our Cycle-Re-Cycle donated bikes and active travel library resources. It will be based at the Green Patch - a local community garden which is already a popular venue for many of our outreach events.
So if you are local, do get involved and join some of our activities - our Local Projects page has details. If you are on facebook you can see more information on our page at
If you are from further afield we hope our local projects will inspire you too but don’t forget we can help with resources for your campaigns wherever you are in England, Wales or Scotland.
Whatever your plans are for the year, we hope 2024 is a good one for you.