Thinking Back for Forward Planning Active Travel Events

By Alison Holland

Published: February 11, 2025

Kettfest Team Picture.

The first snowdrops have appeared and whilst we enjoy the crisp mornings, summer memories of our active travel events in the sunshine make us smile and help us plan ahead too.

In the year leading up to last summer our active travel projects and our amazing team really grew.  By sharing a few of our experiences and ideas we are sure something will inspire your plans and help you too.

Thanks to a strengthening partnership with our local authority, North Northants Council, we were able to provide ‘learn to fix’ and ‘cycle confidence’ training to over 70 local adults including many NHS and care worker staff. Our Bikelife programme included a range of campaign-branded practical resources such as our reflective bags and neck warmers to support safe, comfortable cycling.

Get Down to (Your) Town?
Bringing active travel and events to our local town centre - and the resulting footfall, inclusivity and vibrancy is a personal passion. ‘Get Down to Town Kettering’ is our ongoing series of events and initiatives to boost green travel options to the town. Launched in late 2023 it led to the awarding of the first ever Modeshift STARS* accredited town centre travel plan. We’d love to see other towns pick up this idea and bring the many benefits to their own communities.

group of adults with bikes in park during cycle lesson Lady holding 2 shopper bags with Team at Kettering By The Sea.

Cycle-Lingo for Refugees
When refugees are trying to settle in a new country one of the biggest challenges can be how they can get around in a car dependent society - to access work, school, healthcare, English lessons and leisure opportunities.  By providing them with bikes and teaching them to fix and cycle confidently from 2023-4 we helped get nearly 40 refugees cycling through our Cycle-Lingo programme and other support.

We know there are huge benefits in bringing cycling to many people especially those who find themselves in challenging situations in life -  not just refugees. Our Cycle-Re-Cycle programme to refurbish and redistribute bikes means we can help get more people cycling who wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

Cycle Lingo - Ukrainian Flag and logo.

Thinking Back, Planning Ahead
Take a look at our 2023-4 ‘Year in the Life of Brightwayz’ for other activities that  may inspire you. We’re aiming to build on our previous activities and add more - such as the development of our programme supporting local school travel plans (ST:EPS Safer Travel: Enabling Pupils and Schools). 

What are your plans of active travel initiatives in 2025? If you need any support with resources please get in touch.

Here at Brightwayz social enterprise we love to provide information and tips to help you, your colleagues, friends and family travel in safe, active, sustainable ways for everyday journeys.

Our unique range of products is here to help support your active travel campaigns and 100% of profits from sales is ploughed back to support the work we do. Take a look at our range here and find something to help you inspire others to travel in good ways.

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